  Modbus Slave LCD

SC1602MBS is a 16x2 characters LCD module that receives MODBUS data and display its value.

Data from the Master device can be ASCII text or Integer.

Integer data is intepreted and displayed in the data field on both rows on the LCD

Both data display fields on the LCD can be programmed to have a fixed decimal point, digits width and start column

MODBUS RTU Protocol. Programmable baud rate 9600/19200/38400, Programmable Slave ID

  Modbus Data Field

Display "Counter:" at row 0 ( Modbus Function 16 )

[ Slave ID ] [ 0x10 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x04 ] [ 0x08 ] [ 0x43 ] [ 0x6F ] [ 0x75 ] [ 0x6E ] [ 0x74 ] [ 0x65 ] [ 0x72 ] [ 0x3A ] [ CRC HI ] [ CRC LO ]

Display "Voltage:" at row 1 ( Modbus Function 16 )

[ Slave ID ] [ 0x10 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x08 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x04 ] [ 0x08 ] [ 0x56 ] [ 0x6F ] [ 0x6C ] [ 0x74 ] [ 0x61 ] [ 0x67 ] [ 0x65 ] 0x3A ] [ CRC HI ] [ CRC LO ]

Display "V" on row 1 column 15 ( Modbus Function 6 )

[ Slave ID ] [ 0x06 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x0F ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x56 ] [ CRC HI ] [ CRC LO ]

Display data "54870 " on data field 1 ( Modbus Function 6 )

[ Slave ID ] [ 0x06 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x10 ] [ 0xD6 ] [ 0x56 ] [ CRC HI ] [ CRC LO ]

Display data "12.3" on data field 1 ( Modbus Function 6 )

[ Slave ID ] [ 0x06 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x11 ] [ 0x00 ] [ 0x7B ] [ CRC HI ] [ CRC LO ]


User' Manual

Test and Configuration Software

Accessories : Mounting Plate , IP65 Casing


Copyright© SILICON CRAFT 2006